Content Scraping is Not a Good Idea

Content scraping is when a website directly copies content from another site and posts it on their website. Sometimes they acknowledge the source, but 99% of the time they don’t. Examples of scraping: Sites that directly copy content Sites that copy content, modify it slightly and then republish it Sites that reproduce feeds from other […]


Please Don’t Sell at Me

If you are selling something, don’t sell at me  Instead, provide value to people and really listen to them.  Be SincereI was recently at a networking lunch and attacked from all sides by sales reps from the same company. They began their interrogation and talked at me because I was a target customer. I held […]


>> Why I love wordpress

I recently converted my website into a custom WordPress template. Thanks to Tim Whitacre and Argyll Studios – they basically took my existing design (and functionality I wanted to keep) and converted it into WordPress. I have the blogging end here and I also have two pages that are static that I can change easily and at any time on my own. I can add more pages if i feel the need, and it is easy and seamless to do this.

Read more about my top plugins (aka Kryptonite) for WordPress….