This is a buzzword in the marketing world and everyone is wondering, what is programmatic advertising? Everyone has been talking about it, what does it mean? Coles notes version: it is the automated process of buying ads online. Why is this good? It allows companies to move away from broad website-based campaigns to a more […]
Effective Networking in Your Career: Choose Your Own Adventure
Want to know how to do effective networking in marketing? Last night, I spoke with fourth-year students and recent graduates at the University of Toronto about life after school is finished. I remember feeling very lost in my fourth year of university, and wondering what I was going to be when I grew up! When […]
Do People Read Blogs Anymore?
Really, it depends. Some people say they don’t have time. There is a hyper-overload of stuff to consume online. Are we really getting to the point where we have no attention span? I still read blogs that are useful to me. I use Flipboard to discover content or I receive an email alert, I don’t […]
Lost Your Job Recently? Interview Yourself First.
I get approached periodically with this scenario: “I have just been laid off – what do I do now? Where did I start?” Losing a job can affect people in a myriad of ways: spiritually, emotionally, financially and more. Everyone handles it differently. It can be a massive blow to your ego, cause shame and […]
Evolution of Marketing: Three Observations
Long gone is the time when a marketing department would design a structured campaign setting targets, goals, strategy and implement on one-sided traditional channels. Then, cross their fingers that sales would roll in. Consumers and clients are now in the power position. With the onset of digital, marketing is more fluid, we have powerful analytics […]
How to work effectively with the IT department
With the rapid adoption of digital marketing, the lines of responsibility of the marketing team and the IT team have blurred. There is need for marketing folks to gain more technical training, or at least understand how certain areas of programming works – and for IT to be more hands-on with code implementation, testing and […]
Content Scraping is Not a Good Idea
Content scraping is when a website directly copies content from another site and posts it on their website. Sometimes they acknowledge the source, but 99% of the time they don’t. Examples of scraping: Sites that directly copy content Sites that copy content, modify it slightly and then republish it Sites that reproduce feeds from other […]
What is PII and Why You Should Know
PII is Personal Identifiable Information – it is any information that can be used to identify someone. Information such as: Name SIN Date and place of birth Medical records Education records Financial information Employment information Telephone number Username and Password Credit Card The concept of PII has been around forever, but it has become very important […]
Please Don’t Sell at Me
If you are selling something, don’t sell at me Instead, provide value to people and really listen to them. Be SincereI was recently at a networking lunch and attacked from all sides by sales reps from the same company. They began their interrogation and talked at me because I was a target customer. I held […]
How Not to Network When Looking for a New Job
It’s the start of a new year and it brings new beginnings, whether its a new job or even a career change. I have put together six points on how to network effectively. Enjoy! 1. Be realistic and manage your own expectationsDon’t be aggressive. It is not reasonable to expect someone else to give you […]
Cloud Computing – Say Bye-bye to your Hard Drive
Accessing files from the cloud is becoming more and more of a reality for most people in the business. When I first heard cloud computing a few years ago, I immediately thought that my files were being stored in the atmosphere in a nice, big fluffy cloud somewhere over the Caribbean. Cloud computing is misleading […]
5 Steps: Enable Web Properties to Bring in Business
Businesses with websites and other managed web properties that aren’t tied enough to the rest of the business (ex. not contributing to lead generation online, become siloed from the rest of the business. This creates a lack of clarity for the business to understand how social media, content marketing and their online properties can work […]